Tuesday, July 16, 2013



My 1st entry..wah gitu..

It's been a while nengok, stalking blog orang..Then bila jumpa blog yang best and menarik terus follow. Dah jadi perkara wajib gitu..hehe..

So today, tetiba oficmate kita cakap try la wat blog sendiri. Sebab kita cam syok sendiri suka upload gambar apa kita buat, apa kita makan, masak apa harini ni.. & bla bla bla..

So here i'am today..menyemakkan lagi blog-blog yang dah sedia ada..

So here you go..it's will be the story of me, Mr.Other Half and my lil son Arrayyan Riqi...and bla bla bla..

K...see you guys in the next entry..(no idea nak tulis apa..hehe..but feeling excited)

Till then..muahhh


- D -